YACÓN (Smallanthus sonchifolius Poepping. Engl. - Herba) More information
YACÓN (Smallanthus sonchifolius Poepping. Engl. - Herba)
An annual plant growing 2-3 m high, with slightly hairy dark green leaves. The yellow compound flower at the top of the stem resembles a sunflower, but is significantly smaller. The homeland of this plant is the South American Andes. The natives have been using leaves, stems and tubers in traditional ethnomedicine since time immemorial. Today, a delicious syrup is made from a tuber that contains a high proportion of inulin and potassium.
Gently harvested, carefully hand-picked, dried, cut leaves with leaves. Guarantee of high quality and accuracy of the botanical species. Processed in operation with a certified HACCP system.
Raw material for individual use
Yacón 50 g
Yacón 500 g
Yacón 1000 g
More information about herbs:
Detailed information can be found in publicly available sources on the Internet or in Oro Verde PLANT HERBARIES www.oroverde.biz
Oro Verde s.r.o.
Petrohradská 1520/7a
101 00 Praha 10 - Vršovice